What Is The Power Of President And Prime Minister: Unveiling Their Authority

What Is The Power Of President And Prime Minister: Unveiling Their Authority

(V87) (Powers \U0026 Functions Of Prime Minister Wrt President \U0026 Parliament) M Laxmikanth Polity For Upsc

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What Is The Power Of The Prime Minister?

“What are the powers and responsibilities vested in the position of the Prime Minister in India? The Prime Minister, who can be a member of either the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of parliament, wields significant authority in the country’s governance. One of their key roles is overseeing the appointment and removal of Union Council of Ministers’ members, along with the allocation of specific roles and responsibilities within the government. This pivotal role allows the Prime Minister to play a crucial part in shaping the nation’s policies and administration.”

What Is The Difference Between A President And A Prime Minister?

“What sets apart a president from a prime minister lies in their respective roles within a nation’s governance structure. The title ‘president’ typically designates the chief executive of a republic, where the head of state and head of government are often combined into one role. In contrast, a ‘prime minister’ assumes leadership in countries with a parliamentary system, encompassing both constitutional monarchies like Australia or republics such as India and Taiwan. In these parliamentary systems, the head of state is often a monarch or president with mostly ceremonial duties, while the prime minister is the head of government, responsible for day-to-day governance and policymaking.”

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(V87) (Powers & Functions of Prime Minister wrt President & Parliament) M Laxmikanth Polity for UPSC
(V87) (Powers & Functions of Prime Minister wrt President & Parliament) M Laxmikanth Polity for UPSC

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